Deborah  DAY

California artist Deborah Day is a horse woman, nature enthusiast, and passionate painter. Much of her inspiration comes from outside her back door where she has a herd of about thirty horses and a menagerie of other animals.  Her beloved quarter horse Rocky works as model for paintings, a snub horse for colts and is the resident icon at the Rockin’ D Ranch where kids of all ages come to enjoy the horses and the relaxing atmosphere of the somewhat-rural ranch life where Deborah has built a dual career as horse trainer and artist. California’s diverse landscapes and its rich history in traditional Vaquero horsemanship is often depicted in Deborah’s paintings. Her interest in nature conservation is also evidenced in her work as is her exploration of the spiritual in her paintings of sacred places. She seeks to expresses her passion for life through her art and she hopes that when the dust settles enough of it sticks to her canvases to capture life as she sees it. 

 Deborah graduated with honors from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona with an art major and animal science minor. She worked at a local college for several years teaching horsemanship and training the school horses while managing her own facility and doing her art. Some life changes led her to pursue a second bachelor’s degree in nursing at Cal State San Bernardino. Somewhere between working long hours as a nurse and having long hours in the studio there seems to be a balance. Thankfully the animal companions provide plenty of comic relief when the work seems hard. Outside of the domestic and educational realms, Deborah loves to travel and some of her work depicts her ventures from traveling in the states as she often frequents Wyoming and abroad to South and East Africa, Israel and most recently India. 

Deborah has received numerous awards for her work. Her art is featured in Ga Wa Ni Pony Boy's book, "Of Women and Horses."

Deborah actively participates in several non-profit organizations and uses her art to raise funds for the restoration of those involved in domestic abuse, and human trafficking through Eagle’s Wings Global and Forgotten Children Inc. She volunteers some time to teach art at Rachel’s House of Healing in San Bernardino and is planning art activities and horse experiences for foster children at a camp that is being hosted by Cucamonga Christian Fellowship this summer.